Weaboos A short story on weebs

This story is about a group of people who like anime and manga. First lets see if you are one yourself. Take this quiz at quotev/quiz/7446709/The-weeaboo-test. What categorizes you as a Weeaboo.

Copied from Quota: A weeaboo is someone who worships pretty much anything that is Japanese or related to Japanese culture. The implication is very negative and often is an accusation of wanting to 'be Japanese' (or whatever their warped perception and idealization of Japaneseness may be).

Once upon a time was a man who used to watch anime every day. He one day got told by his parents that he should watch less anime. That he was doing less his homework and that he was overall getting worse at school. His dad told him that he should get better otherwise he was going to go and have intense tutoring. These type of people are a community that I myself respect, but can become very into there characters. My point is just to say that if yourself you are a weaboo

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