France By: Madison Cheeney


France Flag: Blue- identified with Saint Martin/Red- identified with Saint Denis/White- identified with Lafayette.
This is Paris at dusk. Paris is the capitol of France. Their population of Paris is 10,925,000.

The video below is about the Eiffel Tower.

These are the Alps.This mountain range is one of the best mountain ranges in Europe. The French Alps stretch from the Mediterranean Sea to the Rhine River, offering breath-taking scenery, world-class mountaineering, and the best skiing in Europe. Mont Blanc is the highest mountain in western Europe, which stands at 15,570 feet.
This is western Europe and where France is located in relation to other countries in Europe.


The French language came from Vulgar Latin.

In the video below, you can click on answers.

Roman Catholic is the main religion. 83% to 88% consider themselves roman Catholic.

The most common foods of France are french bread such as baguettes and croissants. Their is also cheese such as Comte and Brie. Wine is the most common drink of France.
Macaroons is a unique food in France. You can make them in MANY, MANY different flavors.

Football- the main sport in France. They are considered pretty good at it. The last time that they won championships was in 2003.

The video below is classic french music, accordion music. There are multiple styles of music in France, but this is the classical accordion music.

This is called a beret. Most people in France wear these. It is a traditional piece of clothing in France.
This is the average french style housing.


The head of the government in France is president, Francois Hollande.


Some wars that happened in France's past are World War 1&2. 1,2,&3 Republic also happened in their history. Ect.

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