Year 8 Pop Art how to & Class examples

Using Logo's to create pop artworks

Divide your A4 paper into 4 sections and then randomly draw logos in each section

There are thousands to choose from just Google logos

Use lead pencil to start with. Have some logos to copy either on a computer screen or printed out to reference.

After you have the logos drawn in pencil think about using different colours in each section

like the Andy Warhol print below

You can use pencil, pen or paint

..well you can use any art medium you like really.

See some great examples below!


Pop Art - Famous People

How to create this look

  1. Get an A4 black and white print out of a famous person
  2. Get a transparent plastic A4 sheet and a permanent black pen
  3. Attach your transparent sheet to the image and start drawing on the facial features with the pen
  4. Photocopy the drawing on the transparent sheet
  5. Paint your image in Pop Art Style!
  6. Add some text - what is your person thinking?

see these class examples below

from year 8

Impressive :)

Extension task:

  • Scan or photograph your portrait
  • Open a new A4 document
  • Place your portrait on the canvas
  • Resize the image
  • Duplicate it so you have 4
  • Change the Hue on each layer
  • Add a title and your name
  • Always save your work where you can find it!
Lets get started!
Created with images by ky_olsen - "MM Multiple (14)"

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