Religions Around the World #senseofplace


MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7- I traveled to the hearth of Hinduism in India.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8- The second day I was in India I went to a famous "tirtha" (which means a holy place) called Varanasi. This is one of the seven Ancient Holy Towns in India. Varanasi is a city on the Ganges River. It's told to be the holiest for the seven cities. Hindus believe that the city can wash away your sins. They also believe that those who die in the city would achieve salvation and not get trapped into cycle of birth and re-birth

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10- I spent that Wednesday traveling from Varanasi to Allahabad, another very important city to the Hindu religion. Allahabad is also known as "The City of Allah", 85% of the people who live in the city are Hindu. Here I met a Hindu man who told me about The Ganges River so I decided to travel there the next day.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11- I traveled to the Ganges River like the man had told me to. Here I learned that The Ganges River is a very pure river to the Hindu religion. They believe that being bathed in the river can remove your sins. They also bring their dead to the river as well. Hindus believe that if your body is burned by the river then your soul will escape the never ending cycle of life.


MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14- I went to India which also happens to be the origin of Buddhism as well.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15- In India I met a Buddhist man who told me a little bit about the history and beliefs of the religion. Buddhist's believe in "The Buddha" which means "awakened one". The Buddha came up with the four pillars of faith which are: 1) The truth of suffering 2) The truth of the cause of suffering 3) The truth of the end of suffering 4) The truth of the past that frees us from suffering.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16- On my third day in India I went to the city of Nepal which is considered one of the most holiest cities to the Buddhist. I learned that only about 11% of people who live in Nepal are Buddhist but the reason it's a sacred place is because it was the birth place of Buddha himself.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17- After I visited Nepal I decided to go to another holy city to the Buddhist religion, Bihar. In Bihar I went to Bodhgaya, one of the most sacred sights of Buddhism in Bihar. This stop is where Buddha obtained the light and knowledge and became The Buddha.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21- I traveled to Jerusalem to study the Jewish religion

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23- I learned about The Temple Mount, which is in the center of Jerusalem. Jewish people believe that God himself rested in the middle of the temple and that this is where God gathered the dust to create Adam. It's also believed to be the place where Abraham also sacrificed his son, Isaac.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24- The day after I visited The Temple Mount I noticed a wall on the outside of it and asked a Jewish person what it meant. She told the that the wall was so significant because it was the only thing still standing from The Second Temple. In ancient times the temple was center of the Jewish life. But still today many people make pilgrimages to the wall to pray.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25- On my last day there I visited Mount Zion, this connects the Old city to Mount Zion. The Tomb of King David is located on Mount Zion.


MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28- To study Christianity I first went to the birth place of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29- I learned about a place called Milk Grotto, it's suppose to be a place where the holy family took shelter during the Slaughter of the Innocence, hiding from Herod's soldiers. They believe that The Virgin's milk was dropped onto the ground and that's the reason the building is white. Many people travel here just to scratch the wall which is later consumed by a mother to be.

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1- The next place I visited while I was there was Bethlehem Old City. Many Christians travel here to experience and walk the same streets as their God did many years before him.

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2- Many Christians travel to the Jordan River because it's the river that Jesus Christ himself was baptized in. It symbolizes your old sinful body being washed clean by the power of Jesus when your dunked under water. And when you rise again it's your new clean sinless body.


MONDAY, DECEMBER 5- The first place I went when I started to study Islam was Saudi Arabia.

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7- The Mosque of the Prophet is where I went first. It was once the house of Muhammad. He himself help build the mosque. It also served as a community center, a court, and a religious school. Millions of Islam's travel here each year to see the home of Muhammad.

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8- On my third day studied Islam I found Al-Asqa Mosque. Muslims believe that Muhammad to Al-Asqa during a night journey.


Created with images by VinnyCiro - "church chapel house of worship" • Peggy_Marco - "india figures hinduism" • jeniffertn - "buddha religion buddhism" • idovermani - "The 8th Night" • 495756 - "israel flag star of david" • Pexels - "christianity cross outdoors" • Didgeman - "good friday crucifixion church window" • Pexels - "bible book highlighter" • LoggaWiggler - "taj mahal mausoleum agra" • WikiImages - "girl schoolgirl learn schulem" • WikimediaImages - "mosque schwetzingen facade"

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