Electronic Bracelet Bria myers


For this project, we had to create a functioning electronic bracelet using:

  1. Felt
  2. LED lights
  3. Conductive thread
  4. Battery
  5. Snaps
LED lights
Conductive thread

Circuit Design

To create this bracelet, first we had to create a circuit design. My circuit design looked like this:


For the bracelet to function, the positive pin must be connected by conductive thread to the positive end of the LED light and the negative pin must be connected by conductive thread to the negative end of the LED light. Also, the thread for the negative and the thread for the positive cannot overlap or there could be a short circuit. A short circuit is "a low resistance connection between the two conductors supplying electrical power to any circuit. This results in excessive current flow in the power source through the 'short,' and may even cause the power source to be destroyed." Basically, if the paths cross each other, the current stops and it does not function.

No Modifications

I did not make any modifications to my initial circuit design. The way I first designed it was able to make it function correctly; therefore, I did not have to change any of my design.


  1. To make the entire process easier, it is best to draw out your design before. It prevents mistakes from being made.
  2. Do not anchor your battery with conductive thread on the side that the light isn't connected to.
  3. Be precise with your stitches so knots aren't formed.
  4. Do not let the paths cross or there will be a short circuit.

Electric Bracelet Video

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