The Enemy Charlie Higson

the enemy

The story is about an post apocalyptic setting, taking place in London. Where everyone 18 or older turns into this infected, undead like monster. The story takes place from 3 points, a lone child, 2 groups that formed 1, and a hider. These children range from 6-14 years old, and the older ones must protect the young ones. You travel with them as they are trying to find their group, and as they are trying to find a safe place in London. Leaving their home they take a huge risk, read to see if these children make it.

personal view on novel

This book will keep your heart racing, from beginning to end. Learning the stories and personalities of these kids, and how it change with every lost they suffer. Watching the kids have to turn into mini adults, but still acting like clueless children. Only knowing where they are going from other kids or memories, of their past life, and having to travel across London. They grow tight bonds of friendship, and crushes. Along with strong hatred for the ones who have hurt them, but nothing will hurt them as much as the grownups will.

"If a wolf attacks his sheep, the Shepard kills the wolf, but he eats the sheep when he's hungry.”

- The Enemy

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