Matt Vassallo passion progression

So this spark page is about how my design journey started, and how I wound up here at RMIT, but before that, here is a little bit about me!

I'm 21, I live in Hoppers Crossing with my cat.

I enjoy playing games and making things with my hands. I like to watch movies and am a big fan of sci-fi, anime, Disney, cartoons, and napping.

my cat Zeus

From early childhood I loved drawing and monsters. My school books were always filled with drawings of ghouls and creatures off all shapes and sizes.

photo from one of little matt's old school books

but where my love for making things kicked off, was with jewellery

I was attracted to jewellery because of how depending on what design you choose, you can make something delicate or bold, intricate or simple.

My interest grew quickly as I learnt more about making my own jewellery designs and creating them. The whole process from shaping wax to casting the final piece, was just a fun and really relaxing experience for me.

Working with wax to make jewellery was great, but wanting a faster moving medium I decided to broaden my horizons.
I discovered clay, and loved it! Clay was soft enough to work quickly with and hard enough to hold detail. with such a wide variety of types of clay it's pretty much certain you'll find at least one brand or type you'll love.

a combination of loving monsters, clay, moulding, art, and my trip to japan led me to art toys or "sofubi"

Not long after I became interested in sofubi, I found out about a completely different type of toy called a "fidget toy". I'd never thought about the connection between toys and mental health before this point, and after doing some research I found out about the variety of mental health toys out there and couldn't believe how many people from different walks of life they help.

fidget cube by Matthew and Mark McLachlan

Wanting to create advanced, intricate, innovative and high quality Products, led me to Product design, which led me to RMIT.

Thank you for listening


Created with images by Olessya - "ring wedding wedding rings" • Different Seasons Jewelry - "Final Serpentine Carving~ In-Process" • wing_clipper - "Cosmos Killer" • Nebulon5 - "6 Fingers of Deathra custom" • wing_clipper - "Anraku Ansaku" • wing_clipper - "Exohead"

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