The Harn Museum By: Maddie Hancock

This is a painting by Pedro Figari called El Fantasma (The Ghost). Figari uses oil paints to make his works look so simple. The simplicity is shown in how the poeple do not have eyes, mouthes, and noses painted on but everyone can still tell what it is. His technique of using his memory to come up with what to paint is really interesting to me as well. I like how it connects to his childhood because it seems that many people can connect to it in such simple ways.
I believe the architects of the Harn museum have done a good job designing the building for the exhibits. This room of the museum stood out to me in particular because it was different then most of the other rooms. The lighting was great because of the sun coming in from all of windows in the room and the view of the outdoors was beautiful as well. I also enjoyed the amount of space and how spread out the pieces of art were from each other in the museum. The lighting of this picture was not that great and does not do this area much justice.
This photograph that I came across in the museum really stood out to me. It seems that a lot of people would not understand the importance behind the photo because it is just a girl standing in the wilderness. On the order hand, when I saw it, one of my core values stood out to me. This core value is independence. I find this in the picture because it is just a female by herself looking confidently into the camera. For me it reinforces the fact that females have the power in the world today to do what they desire even at a young age.
This painting is called the Chelsea Composite II. It really stood out to me because this past year I moved from a big city, Cincinnati, to Gainesville for college. I connected this to the good life theme of achievement because sometimes you have to make big changes in your life to be able to achieve your goals. I also enjoyed the lighting in this painting because a lot of it is very dark just like your life can be sometimes but at the same time there is always light available (shown through house lights and street lights), you just have to look for it and use your achievements to find it.

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