NEWS FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE MONTESSORI MIDDLE SCHOOL weekly updates on what's going on in the community

Last week, the Middle Schoolers were given a copy of the magazine, The Week, which we have read numerous times before. With this issue of The Week, we each picked three topics mentioned in the magazine that we found interesting and discussed them in small groups. A couple of topics that came up in discussion were the pipeline conflict in North Dakota and how the concept of checks and balances is playing out over President Trump's presidential orders. We all had a great time sharing our opinions, and we learned what our peers thought about important issues.

Don’t tell me the sky’s the limit when there is a footprint on the moon

- Anonymous

Our newest wood workshop group, Sydney, Francesca, and Amelia, have finished their first projects. Mr. Kemper, our workshop teacher, has everyone make a toolbox so that they can get used to the tools before engaging in a more challenging design. Amelia and Francesca are the latest to finish their toolbox. Soon, they will be starting a project of their choice, as long as it is approved by Mr. Kemper.

If you see a glass ceiling know, that it is only there for you to shatter it -

- Justin Baldoni

On Sunday, February 5th, Mr. Calise hosted a Superbowl Sunday POD event here at the Middle School. This event was open to 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students that were interested. It was a complete blast! We obviously watched the Superbowl, rated the oh-so-famous commercials that played, and filled out some trivia questions. We also munched on delectable food such as chips, nacho cheese with mini hotdogs, and pizza for dinner. Some students were more captivated by the actual football plays, but there were some of us who didn’t care too much for the football… But hey, we loved Lady Gaga during the Halftime Show! There was a fire crackling right in front of the couches we were relaxing on, which was a magnificent addition to the memories that were created. During the fourth quarter, we snacked on cupcakes that were topped with mini football helmets! Overall, it was an incredible experience that allowed the students and teachers to bond together while watching one of the long awaited events of the year.

Last week our three gym teachers from the YMCA came over for community lunch. On Monday Carol and Aleks, our regular gym teachers, came for community lunch. On Friday Roman, our fitness teacher, joined us. We decided to take advantage of the nice weather and we grilled hamburgers. Friday we tried a new recipe for calzones which turned out really well even after a stressful cooking session.

Life is like a camera. Focus on what’s important and you will capture it perfectly

- Josh Hutcherson

Important Dates

February 20th - Presidents day

February 23rd - 8th grade Quiz Bowl

February 24th - No school (AYM in session)

February 25th - Middle School Art Exhibition sponsored by the Glenview Art League - open viewing from 1-3pm in the Attea Middle School cafeteria

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