My Final Art Exam Portfolio By Tonia Brummel

I'm Tonia Brummel ,im in 9th grade and I'm taking beginners art to learn new art skills. I took art all through elementary and middle school. I want to go to college for Perfoming arts (like acting and entertainment) . I liked the new skill I learned in this class mostly positive and negative drawings.

Negative/Positive Drawing

My positive/negative drawing was of a big baillerina. There wasn't a lot of value in the artwork though. I think it would've looked better with more value.

Stippling Piece

For my stippling piece I did a pair of converse, the value in this drawing make it look more realistic.


2 point perspective/ first portrait/ self portrait

These are my 3 portraits. My first portrait doesn't have any any value orcontour at all but, I learned that adding value and contour I defines the face you're drawing in your portrait and makes it look more 3D and realistic.


Before and after hands

My lines were too dark in my second hand drawing ,but I've learned not to make contour lines to dark and not to outline .



My scratchboard was not my best but I learned that smaller details are very important in artwork. And I also learned that when you are trying to show texture in a piece of artwork you have to make sure it looks realistic and that you can't outline.

2-point perspective


I learned that the vanishing point and the horizon line are very important in 2-point perspective because it add dimension to the piece.

Ruscha Ribbon


Still Life

Still life

Still life drawing was kinda hard ,drawing the different textures, dimensions, shapes, forms and values. It was a different experience for me because there was a light shining on it so, I had to draw value based on the shadowing of the lighting

Elements of Art

Woman / seashells

This was fun yet challenging experience for me because I had to draw/sketch what I saw on the paper instead of what I thought I was drawing in my brain. It made me see drawing in a whole different way.

I really enjoyed art because I learned new art and drawing skills that have helped me improve on art and try different types of arts.

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