My blog By: Mayce Hunt

Today in Mrs. Garrett's class ( sub Mrs. Lewis) we took a social study's test about the " ROARING TWENTIES " and the Great Depression. It was open notes which means you can use your notes,your social studies textbook, also use your teacher ( you can always use the teacher) we weren't allowed to use iPads or a friend. In ms. Wilcox's class we are learning what would happen if a story was told from another characters point of view. EX: GoldieLocks told from Baby bear AKA Sam or Cinderella told from the step mothers point of view.

A book I've been eating this week is called The Ghosts of Tupelo Landing. It is sort of a mystery book. Is is the lexile level of pink, so it's Easy to read and understand.

By: Mayce Hunt


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