Term 2 Final Project Topic summary


Sketchup - Using the rectangle, push up/down, navigation tools.

  1. In the Getting Started toolbar, select the Rectangle tool .
  2. Paste down a rectangle.
  3. On the Getting Started toolbar, select the Push/Pull tool , and place the Push/Pull cursor over the rectangle you just created. Click and drag your rectangle up into a 3D shape. Keep an eye on the Measurements box and release the cursor when you reach the desired height.
  4. In the Getting Started toolbar, select the Orbit tool. Place the Orbit cursor above your shape. Then click and hold while you move the mouse down.
  5. In the Getting Started toolbar, click the Zoom Extents button (). If you orbit around until you lose track of where you are in your model, the Zoom Extents button is a handy way to reorient yourself.


Sketchup - Using the pencil, move, eraser and follow-me tools.

  1. You draw lines with the Line tool, which you find on the default toolbar or the Tools menu.
  2. Select the Line tool.
  3. To place the line’s starting point, click in the drawing area or set a precise location.
  4. To place the line’s end point, double-click in the drawing area.
  5. You find the Eraser in the Getting Started toolbar. Here are a few ways you can use the eraser:
  6. Click an edge with the Eraser tool cursor. If you select the Eraser tool from any of the toolbars, you can click an edge to erase it and any faces it bounds. The Eraser tool doesn't allow you to erase faces. Technically, faces are erased after their bounding edges are erased, which enables you to open and otherwise reshape your geometry.
  7. Delete a face with the context menu. To remove a single face, context-click the face and select Erase from the menu that appears.
  8. Delete selected geometry. To delete several edges and faces at once, select all the geometry you want to erase, as shown in the following figure. Then context-click your selection and choose Erase. As you can see in the right-hand image, the selected faces have been deleted.

Drafting- 2 point perspective

Drafting - Drawing 3D shapes in different perspectives and using Google Sketchup to draw shapes according to proper measurement.

Two Point Perspective:

  1. Draw your horizon line.
Draw your horizon line.

2. Place your vanishing points on both ends of the horizon line.

Line on Horizon Line

3. Receding lines are next drawn from each end of the corner to each one of the vanishing points. These lines are called orthogonal lines. Any set of parallel lines that recede away from the viewer will follow along these lines to one of the vanishing points.

4 . Draw a line in between the two vanishing points and cross over the horizon line. This line will become the corner of the building.

Parallel lines are added

5. Erase the lines and there you go!


Created with images by FredCintra - "Control is an Option to Command" • zizome - "draw drawing design" • SportSuburban - "untitled image" • innotect - "{3D}" • Wokandapix - "blueprint ruler architecture"

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