The Village of Pulaski by: izabella berg


LOCAL GOVERNMENT: A suggestion has been placed by organizations to put money into the maintenance of the fields to lower charges. DO YOU AGREE: Yes, I do agree with how they are handling the situation. By putting money into maintenance that will allow more tournaments to occur in their fields. It may also reduce the daily costs of renting the field for tournaments. YOUR SOLUTION: My solution would be start collecting the $50 fees that aren't being collected. In the issue it stated that $50 fees and currently not being collected. If youput money into maintenance they will have better/bigger products. Those products won't break down easily because they're new. This will attract more people, which in the end, will get the people more money. INTERESTING INFORMATION: A request has been made to stripe the parking lot at Memorial Park by Diamond E and they are possible expanding the parking lot. Tournament/Rental Fees


Pulaski Youth Soccer Organization

Housing, Workforce, and Community

Field of Dreams Baseball Season

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