LEGOS by Isabella hurley

At first, legos were only red and white, until people started asking for more colors.
the lego company never made legos until later simply because they had'nt been invented yet.
Legos were created because the creator thought kids would love them.
Legos were also thought to be an ideal toy, and proof that children are not just passive sponges soaking up impressions.
Over the last 60 years, the Lego company has made more than 320,000,000,000 Legos, which equates to 52 for every person on the planet.
there are now 28 different "play systems" , which let kids incorporate more into their constructive play.
In conclusion, Legos is a very interesting toy.
Created By
Isabella Hurley


Created with images by aitoff - "lego frog amphibian" • eurovision_nicola - "LEGO Eurovision Island: Stage 7(a)" • Happy Tummy - "LEGO" • Alexas_Fotos - "lego children toys" • Alexas_Fotos - "lego children toys" • Kalinago English - "factory-worker" • Kalinago English - "factory-worker" • Alexas_Fotos - "lego children toys"

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