Health Issues


About 100 million people in the world are pushed under the poverty line as a result of spending money on health care. Universal health care is a way to promote being healthy, however marginlized groups in society have a huge amount of health issues compared to groups of people who are able to afford good health care/ get it for free where they live.

A map of the health care polocies in each country.


Global vaccination coverage is holding stready, however around 19.4 million infants miss out on basic vaccination needs.

Immunization prevents around 2-3 million deaths every year, if global vaccination were to improve the amount could rise by 1.5 million.

" In developing countries nearly half of all mothers and newborns do not receive skilled care during and immediately after birth." Up to two thirds of new born deaths can be prevented if effective health measures are taken in the first week of the child's life.

HIV continues to be a major global problem, claiming more than 35 million lives so far and 1.1 million in 2015.

"Sub-Saharan Africa is the most affected region, with 25.6million people living with HIV in 2015. Also sub-Saharan Africa accounts for two-thirds of the global total of new HIV infections."

There is no cure for an HIV infection, only medicine that prevent it from getting worse or developing into AIDS.

"currently only 60% of people with HIV know their status. The remaining 40% or over 14 million people need to access HIV testing services"

"Over 4 million people die prematurely from illness attributable to the household air pollution from cooking with solid fuels"

"More than 50% of premature deaths due to pneumonia among children under 5 are caused by the particulate matter (soot) inhaled from household air pollution."


The Issue in India

In India, over 1 000 000 people are moderately or severely burnt every year. 17% of children with burns have a temporary disability and 18% have a permanent disability. These burns are caused by scalding, contact with hot surfaces or from flames.

People from India have a higher risk of developing heart disease at an early age than any other ethnic group. Men have a slightly higher risk than do women. This is due to high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels and high levels of cholesterol in the body.

The top ten health issues that cause death in India are: heart disease, respites diseases, digestive diseases,cancer, diabetes, tuberculosis, neurological diseases and diarrheal diseases.

"India's Constitution tasks each state with providing health care for its people. In order to address lack of medical coverage in rural areas, the national government launched the National Rural Health Mission in 2005."

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