A Few Headshots It's quick, fun and more technical than you think!

Different locations, different looks, all one outcome. We need to see the face, the eyes in particular and it needs to look naturally unnatural. Headshots, not shot in a studio have some particular lighting challenges. Unpredictability of the light, the background and management of the outside forces. One also has to contend with equipment in a way that doesn't appear in studio. How do you want to lug around while on a walking tour of Boulder? Or in a hallway outside an office, or on a deck overlooking the town from a hill? Flexibility is key here.

What happens post process then has to account for all of those variables. Using one light, faces come out flatter, less defined and a bit unnatural. One has to find balance between creating more of a natural light AND not making the subjects look like cartoon people.

See more: http://www.trentsimages.com

Created By
Trenton Norman

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