Population Growth Martha Qin

Part 1

Dramatic population growth for the near future will not only cause extreme overpopulation in some places, but also a increase demand in supplies of food, water, and energy. These demands which ultimately lead to worsening most of the world's problems such as climate change.


Overpopulation is an undesirable condition where the number of existing human population exceeds the carrying capacity of Earth. -CFF

Although Population growth in the future will also bring new technologies which will lower mortality rates and help fight poverty, the lower rates will also result in an imbalance between birth and death rates which then causes overpopulation in most areas of the world.

Food and Water Shortage

As the world population grows, shortage of natural resources such as fresh water becomes increasingly clear. -GFIS

In order to sustain the many people who will be in existence in the future due to population growth, we must increase the production rapidly of animal proteins and find new sources of fresh water. However, research is not advancing as fast as humans are reproducing so there is currently already shortages of resources to provide for the population right now.

Overuse of Energy

With the overuse of coal, oil and natural gas, it has started producing some serious effects on our environment. -CFF

With more people, more vehicles are put to use which calls for the need of more fuel as well as more production in factories which release carbon dioxide into our atmosphere. Too much carbon dioxide in our air leads to global warming.

All leading to...

population growth -> overpopulation -> food & water shortage -> overuse of energy -> climate change

Part 2

Current status of population growth and the effects of it depends on the location in which you focus on

United States

The United States is already overpopulated in the sense that we are consuming our national ecological resources at an unsustainable rate. -FAIR
  • 40% of US land is used for agriculture but due to rising population, it is dropping for suburban development
  • Only 5% of original forests remain after destruction to make space for people and for use
  • Decline of water levels have been in sync with the increase of water pollution in which now 40% of rivers, 46% of lakes, and 50% of estuaries are too polluted for human use


Over time, low fertility has caused China’s population age structure to change dramatically. - East Asia Forum

Most parts of China are actually struggling with a type of under population. Due to their long standing one- child policy instated in 1980, researchers have shown that the working age population has dropped so much that there is not enough people to work in some factories. However, China still has a lot of people which also still effects pollution as well as the waste the factories cause from manufacturing.


Rapid rate of growth of population has been the root cause of food problem. -Economics Discussion
  • insufficent amounts of food for people which then effects health and productivity
  • food shortage results in needing to import food which is expensive and the work force also suffers which leads to poverty
  • large population also results in unemployment leading to large clusters of people to move to urban areas looking for work and making many areas have very low standards of living to hold so many people


In Niger, where GDP per capita is less than $1 per day, the average number of children a woman is likely to have in her life is more than seven. - The Guardian

The population is growing so rapidly in Africa with so little to spend that the people are hoping that fertility rates will decrease so that they will not have to resort to other ways to control conception. The overpopulation in Africa is also affecting how much money the government has to spend on living standards such as water supply as well as deteriorating the status of women into becoming further uneducated and pressured to use contraceptives.


The effects of population growth in one country will also transfer to another country and cause a domino effect all over the world resulting in:

  • water shortage
  • air, water and land pollution
  • increased crime
  • power shortage as well as distribution
  • bad distribution of resources causing hunger and death

and many more...

Part 3

The effects of population growth in Nigeria are caused by the effects of their lifestyle with issues including religion and education.


Many people in Nigeria practice the Islamic religion which encourages early marriage and polygamous families in order to promote large families


The end result of overpopulation in their community is the effect of rapid population grow from religious encouragement.


Many people in Nigeria are illiterate or simply lack the correct knowledge on sex education as well as the new lowering mortality rates which mean that it was not necessary for them to keep having children.

High Mortality Rate

It was a preconceived notion that there was a need to give birth to many kids because of the high mortality rate of infants at the time, in order to work on farms as well as provide for their elder generation which was very common in the Nigerian culture.

Energy Consumption

  • since 1980, the energy consumption has more than doubled in Nigeria
  • this considerably massive increase is causing air pollution and human congestion combined with the massive use of fuel for cars in places like Abuja
  • although the great amount of people in Nigeria's' population, they have no subway system leaving them reliant on fuel powered vehicles to move around.


Almost impossible in feed the mass amounts of people in Nigeria which results in many people living in hunger.

Across the northeastern corner of this country, more than 3 million people displaced and isolated by the militants are facing one of the world’s biggest humanitarian disasters. -The Washington Post

Since there are already large amounts of people living in areas already, more people coming into these places use up more of their reasources. The stretching of supplies that used to provide for a few people now go to try and feed even more people which lead to many people starving.

Long Term Effects of Overpopulation

Africa’s billion represents only 15% of world population today, but the UN Population Division projections indicate that Africa will account for 49% of global population growth over the next four decades, increasing its share of world population to 24%. - Science Magazine

Scientist are predicting that population growth in Africa will not slow down but increase with the effects of overpopulation right now intensifying.

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