Florida Museum of Natural History By: Shannon Kelly

Photo taken by me outside of museum

Nature on Display

The Museum of Natural History is designed to immerse the visitor in nature. The museum creates a realistic environment through the Butterfly Rainforest exhibit. The exhibit contains many species of butterfly and various species of plants. The exhibit draws your attention by the smells of all the plants and the beauty of the butterflies and plants. In addition, the walkways and the little ponds curve through the area and compliment the scenery of the area. I believe this exhibit teaches you to appreciate the beauty in the environment. The ability of the exhibit to incorporate almost an entire ecosystem makes it a very unique and wonderful experience. This exhibit really helps you to appreciate nature.

Photo taken by me inside exhibit

Nature and Ethics

I believe that the exhibit is able to give every visitor a unique perspective of nature. It gives you the opportunity to understand the importance of preserving nature by presenting you with an enviroment full of beautiful creatures and plants. I believe that this beauty makes one think about the sacrifices would have to make if we destroyed biodiversity. I believe that Leopold was right, we should view oruselves as members of the community.

Photo taken by me inside exhibit

Nature and Human Spirit

Walking through the exhibit really opened my eyes to see the beauty of the world and to look at the world in detail. It made me realize of all the little things that I usually overlook on a regular day. While walking through the exhibit I really liked looking at other peoples reactions to the fish, turtles, butterflies, and all the plants.

Photo taken by me inside the exhibit

Nature and Human Spirit

Photo taken by me inside the museum

The museum also has many other exhibits as well. These other exhibits help us to focus on the history of our land and to protect it for future generations. The pottery helps us remember the ancient history and the importance of nature to them. The estuaries helps us to realize that by destroying them, it would not only mean destroying history but also million s of species.

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