Population the future


1. When a country is developing, the population starts surprisingly small. Due to no education and real health care, the population grows rapidly, but so do the death rates.


2. As a population grows, the less resources they have to strive on. To keep the population at a steady growth rate, so should the agriculture.


3. Here, as you can see, is an example of an over-populated state, in which a country has too many people but not enough resources.

4. This graph shows the difference between a developed and a developing countries. The countries developed will have a smarter, more sufficient way of surviving, and striving for the future.

4. While in developing countries, or undeveloped countries, have a higher birth rate, and faster death rate.


5. To keep your population, grow your resources, but not too too much.


6. Make sure your population gets the best sanitation as possible, for a longer life span.


7. Make sure your population makes a good suitable environment for the future and cleanliness of the people.


8. Make sure your population gets a good education for the future.

9. Soon enough your graph will look just like this. Your birth rates will decrease, but so will your death rates. This is a prime example of a developed country


10. Your country is now developed. Keep your populations money steady to not go into a depression, or you just might have to start over.


Created with images by Shingo_Nono - "sunset sun landscape" • tpsdave - "los angeles california skyline"

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