Ishmail Wheeler, Man for the Job Strategic Brief

Adobe Spark allows you to create visuals in a unique way

Introduction to Adobe Spark

Adobe Spark is one of the newer creations from the Adobe brand. Spark allows you to create unique visual content by using it's Post, Page, and Videos options. The tools available on Adobe Spark allow you to have complete control over your content, giving you the ability to design your page exactly how you want. I've only used Adobe Spark once before and even though it's pretty simple to use, I've still had trouble mastering the Post tool.

I've decided that I should focus on my personal brand for this strategic brief. I felt that Adobe Spark is the perfect outlet for me to display my creativity to future employers, or those who may be interested in my services. With my life heading in the direction that it is I felt that this would be a perfect way to market myself and display what my personal brand is about. This will also allow me to standout amongst other candidates.

My key audience consist of PR, Advertising, and Marketing employers within the Louisville, Kentucky area. My audience ranges in the age group of 28-60 year olds, who have years of experience under their belt in their respective fields. I'm not sure if my audience is aware of the Adobe Spark products, but with the creative capabilities of this program I'm sure that they would be willing to explore ways to use it to create content.

Strategic Mindset

Some of the unique characteristics I'd like to focus on is my creativity, my work ethic, and my ability to work with others to accomplish a common goal. I want to show my future employer why I would be an asset to their company/firm/brand. I want them to see all of the great things that I embody.

My objective is to market myself for future employers in the field I'm interested in, with hopes of it leading to an internship and possibly a career.

In order to convince my future employers that I can be an asset to their company, I will display my Adobe Spark page as a well to display my creativity. I will use this page to post my other accounts so that employers can get a wholistic picture about who I am. I also want to develop relationships want to display a list of the skills I possess such as writing, and research. I could use my Spark page as a way to connect employers to my other works so they can get a preview of what they'll be getting when they hire me as an employee or intern.

Summary Points

My future employers should know type of employee they're getting when hiring me. Adobe Spark allowed me to show some of creativity and will act as a gateway to some of my other work and accounts. I encourage my future employers to check out my other accounts so they can get a full picture of who I am, and see my full collection of skills being put to use.

Email: Phone: 502-235-1786

Wheeler , I. A. (n.d.). Adidas, Inspiring Creativity. Retrieved March 10, 2017, from

Adobe Spark PAGE Tutorial. (n.d.). Retrieved March 10, 2017, from

Created By
Ishmail Wheeler


Created with images by Aibitots - "fireworks" • tanphotographist - "sparks light long exposure" • LorenzWorkz - "sky" • PublicDomainImages - "bird blue cristata"

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