Treating Asthma The healing power of dr. Sebi natural food guide

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Your food shall be for your medicine and your medicine shall be for your food—African proverb
Drink plenty of natural spring water to keep your bronchial tubes clear from phlegm.

Asthma is a disease of the lungs that make it difficulty to breath when the muscles of the passages of the lungs tighten and narrow making it difficult for air to leave the lungs. The symptoms of asthma are wheezing, coughing, tight chest, and difficulty breathing.

With the help of Dr. Sebi's natural food guide, you may be able to relieve the wheezing in about four weeks. If you heed and discipline yourself to the natural diet lifestyle, you may be able to eliminate completely your asthma in about 2-6 months. In the world of natural healing, this is awesome because even on synthetic drugs—it takes time before asthma to help asthmatics.

Breakfast: using Dr. Sebi's natural food guide, fruit juices and any solid fruits that you feel the need to eat. The fruit juices should be diluted with cold or hot water, and you may add some raw honey or agave nectar if you need to sweeten lemon/orange juices. Asthmatics can eat fresh or stewed vegetables. Sweeten your cooked food with sugar will worsens your asthma symptoms. Eat half of the food in the morning and the other half in latter during mid-morning

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