Art Prodigy Rita Garcia

It all started by not having a clear idea on what I wanted to do with this project. I had so many options and no idea what to do. So I bounced from one idea to another. Till my best friend described what she wanted to do. Some of her ideas involved nature and I thought well I have some cultural background I would love to share. And tada! It hit me and I was up for a challenge.

My Topic is Cultural Art Work. The first step was to come up with an essential question. Which I had some difficulties coming up with. So I decided that I would do that last. I wanted to paint with acrylic to give it some texture to my painting. Focus on the color, shape, and textures of the painting. So I got set with what I wanted to work with and did some sketching. Then one night I was in my bed and I couldn't sleep and then I thought hey "Why is it good to have cultural diversity?" And tada that become my essential question.


I was born in Mexico so I thought lets do a painting that represents Mexico since I am doing cultural diversity. In my sketches I wanted to have some cultural colors of Mexico and its flag with the moon. I wanted to included also the mountains, rivers, towns and city.

When I first started the painting I had little imagination. It all very simply. Then I dropped the paint brush and grabbed a pallet knife . Then I started to do a little finger painting and then splatter some paint and mix rare colors.

Final Painting

My final painting has some things that represents almost everything of Mexico. The mountains represent the all the mountains ranges located there. The rectangles on the right represent cities. The small houses represent all the towns. The river represents all the rivers there. And the flag painted upon the river represent our culture and who we are.

The answer to my question is, that its good to have cultural diversity so you can expand your horizons, learn from one culture to another, and understand each culture in order for you to have a better way of understanding.


Created with images by bilgecangurer - "painter paint desktop"

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