From May 20 - 22, 2016, nearly 10,000 adventurers gathered in the pine-covered hills outside Flagstaff, Arizona, to get outfitted, get trained, and get inspired to get going exploring the world.

Join us on a virtual tour of our biggest, most dynamic event yet . . .

Setup begins . . .

Setup day dawned overcast, with rain and sleet . . . We were having flashbacks of "Snoverland Expo 2015."

Rain or shine, the setup crew dove in—and got a shock when lightning struck the exhibitor field just feet away. Determined to beat the mud, we brought in over 80 yards of substrate to fill bogs and tidy up; Mared and her 7P International teammates pitched in to help with heavy equipment. In the evenings the rain did not stop our fun—Graham and Connie always bring boerwors, a specialty sausage from South Africa, for a proper brai, while the next night Duncan showed off his specialty: Argentine beef BBQ.

10th Show anniversary

Photo Contest, and Downtown Welcomes Overlanders with Gear & Beer on Wednesday Night

Flagstaff's four independent outdoor retailers teamed up with four breweries to welcome overlanders to Flagstaff. Hundreds turned out to view our photo contest finalists and vote on their favorites, sample brews, and shop for gear. Special thanks to Mountain Sports, Peace Surplus, Aspen Sports, Babbitt's Backcountry, Wanderlust Brewery, Mother Road Brewery, Lumberyard Brewery, and Dark Sky Brewery.

AND THEN It begins . . .

Thousands of adventurers from nearly every state, most Canadian provinces, Mexico and more than two dozen other countries streamed in on Thursday and Friday, setting records for attendance (up 40%). The large dry camp filled up as every conceivable type of camp was set up, from backpacker's tents off motorcycles to vintage trailers and Land Rovers to Unimogs, Sprinters, trucks, and the occasional teepee. A full moon graced clear skies and happy hour was a hit.


Host sponsor Four Wheel Campers, Tom Hanagan

Host sponsor, BFGoodrich Tires

Title sponsor, Sportsmobile

Title sponsor, Dometic

Title sponsor, Moby1 Trailers

Media sponsor, OutdoorX4 Magazine

Forum Sponsor, American Adventurist

Oasis sponsor, Camp Champ

Decked cargo systems presents their view of Overland Expo through the lens of Cory Smith, Idarado Media.

Moto Skills Sponsor, KTM Motorcycles

And over 400 session-hours of classes taught by 150+ of the world's most experienced overlanders . . .

Land Rover – Driving Course Sponsor

7P International —

Camel Trophy - Expedition Skills Area Sponsor

Sena.com captured all the fun, training, and exhibitors at Motorcycle Village:

We have the only Kids Adventure Program run by kids and just for kids.

Until we all meet again—on a trail in Death Valley, along a track in the Serengeti, or at the next Overland Expo . . .

October 7-9, 2016 – Asheville, North Carolina, USA

May 12-14, 2017 – Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

Photography is by ClassGlassPhotography.com (Shanti Shipsky), Jonathan Hanson (Overland Expo and Exploring Overland), Eric Hall (XLADV.com)

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