Week 1- Journal Entry Diversity

I have always considered diversity a really important part of the higher education experience. Providing a diverse environment not only allows for a well-rounded environment but what students can learn from working and learning within such well-rounded and diverse environment. Sophia Kerby (2012) with the Center for American Progress, suggests that diversity allows for the implementation of innovations and creativity. I believe this to be a true statement because if we provide a diverse environment within higher education, a place of learning, students will be capable of learning so much more and thinking outside the box when working and learning with different cultures and backgrounds. Diversity helps the flow of knowledge. Kerby (2012) also mentions that students who attend higher education institutions that offer a more diverse environment are more likely to obtain "higher levels of academic achievement".

Diversity also helps with preparing students for the "real world" such as when the graduate from college and begin their career. The workforce environment will be extremely diverse and where better to prepare for the life events than in college. There are so many different people in this world with so many different views, it's vital that you are capable of working with a wide variety of people so that one can have a successful career. According to U.S. News & World Report (2009) the working population within minority groups is expected to increase 21% by 2050. Given this increase, again, it shows the importance of a diverse environment within higher education to better prepare students throughout their career.


Kerby, S. (2012). 10 reasons why we need diversity on college campuses. Retrieved from https://cdn.americanprogress.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/KerbyDiversity.pdf

U.S. World News & Report. (2009). Why does diversity matter at college anyway? Retrieved from http://www.usnews.com/education/blogs/professors-guide/2009/08/12/why-does-diversity-matter-at-college-anyway

Created By
Alisha McCracken

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