TCEA 2017 The Power of You

GSuite EDU

Great add to my Dweck resources

Confirming 💪❤️ Great vids

Perk: able to jump academies! 😍👏

SOME activities

Neat 💡 idea!

I love that Steve Dembo is independent now!!!

Networking: adding to my PLN

Got Twubs idea from this teacher

My favorite vid to show when I teach social media .... hashtag love it hashtag Justin never ages hashtag TCEA rocks

Steve opened my eyes today!!! What the what? Porque.. why

Something I'm going to try!!!

Using culture to teach .. student interest

Had a great group of Twitter beginners in my session ❤️👏

The reason I started a PLN: Steve Dembo

Deploying Chromebooks

Navarro ISD

TIM Model-TTESS correlations

AWESOME resources for Chromebooks deployment 🤓🤓🤓🤓

Alice Keeler- full 🏡 house

Open sessions

It's none of my business but...:: KERMIT in the house #TCEA17

Edinburg CISD #innovateECISD

rating good

Jay McTighe -Region 13 Workshop

Love this quote ❤️👏

Elements of understanding
UBD- Liana's old homie Jay and our new BFF
#TCEA17 ❤️😁👏👏❤️

Great learning experiences

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