Black Lives Matter By Khari Veasley

How Did The Movement Start

The Black Lives Matter movement was started with the aquittal of George Zimmerman after he shot and killed a young African-American teen by the name of Treyvon Martin in 2013.Because of this incident,many people started using the hashtag #blacklivesmatter.

Do Black Lives Matter?

Black lives matter because African-Americans have played a major role in the success of the United States, from education to medicine to politics and entertainment they have made major contributions. Black people have represented the country in the highest of ways while being slandered in the most malicious of ways, the rights achieved on black backs ultimately the rights of all.

Keep an open mind

while we find that the black lives matter movement adresses the need for police and our community leaders to be more sensitive to the sensless murders of african american males, its also important to remember that all groups of people need to be protected under the law. For example , the five policemen murdered in Dallas ,persecution on muslims because of religous beliefs, and the persecution of latino americans because of their stereotypical envolvment in drug dealing and immigration


In 2015 - 2016, the homicide rate went up by 58% in Chicago, there were about 762 homicides in2016 , which is the highest number in 2 decades. The city's former police super intendant Garry McCarthy blames the Black Lives Matter movement for the murder spike.I personally dont support his statement.

Growing Activism

Activism under the Black Lives Matter banner has continued since 2014. Prominent protests occurred in the same year, with Eric Garner who was choked to death during arrest for selling lose cigarettes, 2015 Freddie Gray who died in a police van for possession of a switchblade, and in December the 17 year old Laquan McDonald was shot 16 times.

At its minimum , the black lives matter movement has sparked the conversation around equality for all races in the eyes of the legal system especially at the grass roots levels

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