
間諜頭子吳征想人道對抗病毒?! 【中英對照翻譯】

新聞來源: 積極投資者, February 10, 2020

作者:Uttara Choudhury



簡評:吳征是中共間諜頭目。 吳征本身就是謊言、欺騙、陰謀、無恥的代言人。 凡吳征出沒地,無不是魑魅魍魎聚集地。 在眼下對抗冠狀病毒的階段,他拉攏一眾大佬成立人道主義組織,並得到馬來西亞皇室支援,要支援疫苗研發,他這是配合中共什麼陰謀?或者他本身就在醞釀什麼陰謀?結合著目前國際社會幾乎一致認為武漢新型冠狀病毒來源於中共的P4實驗室,現在吳征的解藥是不是和人工合成的冠狀病毒一樣,一切都在計劃之中?

Ideanomics chairman Bruno Wu drives GPACA which is working to battle the coronavirus


The new humanitarian organization enjoys the royal endorsement of Sultan Abdullah of Malaysia



Ideanomics Inc (NASDAQ:IDEX) saidMonday that the newly formed Global Partnership Against Coronavirus Alliance (GPACA) will work to bring "rapid medical solutions, preventive care, and policy proposals" to battle the coron avirus pneumonia epidemic.


The GPACA's founding board members include high-profile Chinese billionaire entrepreneur Dr Bruno Wu, who is chairman of t he Sun Seven Stars Investment Group and fintech company Ideanomics, Jay Park, president of Suponic Group, His Excellency Al Gurhair, chairman of Essa Al Ghurair and Dr Vincenzo Costigliola, founder and president of the European Medical Association.

GPACA的董事會創始人成員包括備受矚目的中國億萬富翁企業家吳征,他是陽光七星投資集團和金融科技公司Ideanomics(原七星雲公司)的總裁;Jay Park,Supponic集團總裁;Al Gurhair閣下,是Essa Al Ghurair 投資公司主席;Vincenzo Costigliola博士,歐洲醫學協會創始人兼總裁。

Sultan Abdullah Ri'ayatuddin, the King of Malaysia, hailed the formation of the GPACA.

馬來西亞國王蘇丹·阿卜杜拉·里亞阿杜丁(Sultan Abdullah Ri'ayatuddin)稱讚GPACA的成立。

READ: Ideanomics more than doubles revenue in 2018 thanks to crude-oil trading


"Dr Bruno Wu and the GPACA team have shown their exceptional leadership for the most important of philanthropic causes, st epping forward to face the coronavirus pneumonia head-on by bringing together a multinational alliance to tackle the probl em we face today beyond the great battle that is ongoing in China," said King Abdullah.


"This effort will help develop our preparedness for the viral health challenges of tomorrow," he added.

他補充說,“這些努力會幫著我們對於明天病毒健康帶來的挑戰有所準備。 ”

The GPACA has three key objectives. Firstly, to find and study cures and solutions to protect against the further mutation and spreading of the virus. Secondly, to launch a global education campaign, utilizing both traditional and social media, to promote verified facts an d information in order to reduce social panic and hysteria. Thirdly, prevent the spread of outbreaks and assist in the coordination and establishment of public preventive policies fo r at-risk countries with an immediate focus on Africa, China, India and South East Asia.

GPACA有三個主要目標。 第一,尋找並研究治癒和防止病毒進一步突變和傳播的解決方案。 第二,發起全球教育運動,優化傳統和社交媒體,促進事實驗證減少社交恐慌和歇斯底裡。 第三,立即關注非洲、中共國、印度、東南亞,協助高風險國家防止疫情傳播並建立公共預防政策。

GPACA will also work to facilitate the formation of international governance and protocols for the epidemic and ensure the swift delivery of vaccines.


China reported 908 deaths and about 40,000 cases of coronavirus. On Sunday alone, 97 people died, the highest daily death toll since the outbreak began. Almost 6,500 of the affected patients were in critical condition, Chinese authorities said Monday.

中共報導了908例死亡和40000例感染冠狀病毒病例。 僅周日,就有97人死亡,疫情爆發以來死亡數最高的一天。 幾乎有6500 危重患者。 中共當局週一時說。

New York-based Ideanomics has offices in Beijing and plans to open a campus in West Hartford, Connecticut.

