Apple TV Channel apps

Here are some of the popular TV channel apps you could share with cord cutters or with someone who just wants to watch on the go.

Direct TV Now is a great all in one solution, featuring live stream TV channels and if you're an AT&T wireless customer you can stream all you want without using your data.

Another great all in one streaming solution is the Sling TV APP.


TV channel apps offer streaming and prerecorded options and many now work without having to need a TV providers subscription. And if the person is not a cord cutter they could still benefit from these apps they could always have access to their TV content while in the go.

To view the many apps available open the TV app and select store. And explore the many options with your customer.

Apps you can explore

  • HBOGO $14.99 a month
  • Starz $8.99 a month
  • Showtime $10.99 a month

Once they have their apps they could also sign in to their tv provider on IOS 10 once they're signed in all they have to do is just open the TV app on iOS or Apple TV located in Settings>TV.

Just one app for all your channel apps. The watch now section shows all the TV content you're subscribed to.

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