1920's fashion trends Maggie , xander,breanna

Dresses were very popular for women in the 20's. By this time, cotton was out of style and silk was in. Women wore silk on their dresses and the coats they wore had trimmed fur on them. And during this time, dresses were were shorter than they ever had been before.

Bob hair styles were very popular during this time. These cuts went down to around the ears. They were very short and almost all women had them.

Xander prefers to wear converses,jeans and a t-shirt because it is comfortable to him. Maggie prefers to were shoes,pants, and shirts with a hoodie because she doesn't care and just puts on clothes. Breanna prefers to wear jeans, boots, dress-shirts, and most of the time, sweatpants and shirts because sometimes she wants to dress up and other times just wear something comfortable . Styles and many other things have changed since the 20's. Today, people pretty much either wear new styles or old ones. It doesn't really matter anymore.

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