Athlete's Forge The Path to Glory!

The world's best athletes were born here! Athletic education is the most important thing to us here in Athlete's Forge. We promise that we will shape you to be the best athlete you can be!

Here at Athlete's Forge we offer free tutoring for any sport by any professional athlete you want.


1) All citizens must play a sport

2) Soccer is forbidden

3) Athletic games will be played ever week

4) All citizens must train/workout for 3 hours a week

5) Country music is forbidden

6) Math is not to be taught

7) No people older than 55 are allowed to participate in sport activities

8) All citizens must watch at least one Major League sport game each week

9) Any gender is allowed

10) All sport injuries must be reported to the superiors immediatly

Legends are born here!

Our utopia, Athlete's Forge, would be located in Oakland, California home to the Golden State Warriors, the Oakland Athletic's, and the Oakland Raiders. California is home to some of the most accomplished Major League teams in the United States.

Daily Schedule

1) Eat a nice and hearty breakfast

2) Train/Workout for 30 mins to 3 hours

3) Watch a sport or play a game

4) Hang out with friends or family

5) Eat dinner

6) Go to bed


Athlete's Forge will have a Democracy government. Our leaders will be elected by the people. To run for President someone must be 35 years old, have played on a major league sports team, and has to be responsible and smart. Democracy is the best and most effective government because the people get to choose there leader, power is evenly distributed through the government, and nobody can have to much power at once.


Created with images by andrewmalone - "IMG_2941.jpg" • filterssofly - "american football football sports"

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