Why We Need Money By Jason Molina

We need money to buy food
We need money to pay bills.
We need money for entertainment.
We need money to pay rent.
We need money to have insurance.
We need money to have a vehicle.
We need money to home a house/apartment
We need money to have clothes.
We need money to pay for education.
We need money to have medical care.
To pay mortgage


Created with images by TBIT - "dollar bank note money" • Wow_Pho - "food pizza roll" • tookapic - "pylons utility poles electricity" • Unsplash - "audience concert music" • Unsplash - "red house home" • Pixel-mixer - "crash test collision 60 km h" • DayronV - "nissan car automobile" • GregoryButler - "bedroom architectural interior" • Pezibear - "jeans pants blue jeans" • jarmoluk - "apple education school" • Unsplash - "doctor dentist dental"

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