tech news and notes Shakopee Instructional Technology Services

December 2016

Apple TV

Apple TV installations are just about done. Some documents with tips and tricks and common set-up suggestions can be found below. A few highlights and additions:

  • Stream video from Safari using AirPlay mode - Highly Recommended!
  • How to remove "rental video" banner in start-up screen.

Self service Updates

Self Service is now set up so that the main screen (called "Updates") shows options for running updates to currently installed software. This should help make it easier to update and clarify which programs might not be on the latest version.

Printer Refresh

We continue the process of going from building to building to replace or swap our oldest and most high-volume black/white printers. Considering that our oldest models are about 17 years old, it might be a little overdue. As we get to each building, we'll send out e-mails to let you know which printers are being changed.

Notes for deleting and adding a printer: Mac / PC

what's new?

  • Website Updates: 1:1 Common Questions page - added info about student printing and how student software requests are handled.
  • Web Help Desk new request types: App Requests & Purchasing > Free SpEd App: Used to speed up app request process for special education students since we no longer support app store on student devices. Software or Web Application > SeeSaw: Use this for SeeSaw technical issues (request a DLC for instruction on how to use SeeSaw). Tech Set-up Request > Assessment Set-up: Can be used to request verification that technology resources are updated and ready for an upcoming test window or session.
  • iPad Naming: Student iPads will now be set to a default name which is the student's given name. This will allow us to use tools such as AirDrop more effectively and decrease the chance of inappropriately named devices (renaming runs nightly).

Staff and Contact Info

Help Desk Phone - x5100

Department Vision: Shakopee Instructional Technology Services will support the District's educational goals by providing high levels of Reliability, Service, and Support.

Old news


@Jackson: Swap out defective short throw projectors with fogged lens throughout building.

@Sweeney: Gymnasium sound system repair and upgrade.

#Infinite_Campus: Adding Special Ed and 504 Plan flags; will soon be visible in student Roster view in gradebook.

@WestJuniorHigh: Room 118 projector and audio installation.


#Infinite_Campus: Looking into expanded options for fee payment.

#Infinite_Campus: Gathering list of vendors for a district-wide parent teacher conference sign-up solution.

*District Staff: Exploring formation of ad-hoc tech committee to review best practices for technology-related discipline while respecting the need for tech access to support curricular expectations.

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