Stand Up For Science Science rally at Copley square, Boston, MA

Within almost a month after the presidential inauguration, various protests had been held in many cities in the United States. This time, scientists took take their part. They held "Stand Up For Science", a rally to push President Trump and his administration to always base their actions on facts, and of course, science. The rally was held Sunday noon (2/19) at Copley Square, Boston, MA. It was the first since Trump has taken the office. "The attacks on science are not new, but they have taken an alarming turn in recent weeks," said Naomi Oreskes, Professor of the History of Science at Harvard and author of Merchants of Doubt. "It's not political to defend the integrity of facts."

The crowds at the science rally. As many as two thousand people claimed to have attended this event. (Photo by Valdya Baraputri/Boston University)

The approximately 90-minute rally was featured almost a dozen of speaker scientists in white lab coats from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard, Northeastern University, Union of Concerned Scientists, 500 Women Scientists, even a high school student who was part of the Alliance for Climate Education and many more. "The nerdiest crowd I've ever seen," said one of the speakers Dr. Geoffrey Supran, a scientist studying energy modeling at MIT and science history at Harvard.

Science related signs by scientists and science-enthusiasts at the Science Rally. "As long as we keep politic out of it, we can continue to serve humanity," said Antonio Scopete (down right), an astrophysicist. (Photo by Valdya Baraputri/Boston University)

"The attack on science is the attack on our families, our communities, and our collective future," Beka Economopolous, Founding Director of the Natural History Museum. (Photo by Valdya Baraputri/Boston University)

After delivering their speech around the issue of climate change, the new leader of the Environmental Protection Agency, and generally the importance of science and facts especially to be the foundation for the new government, scientists asked the crowds to join their movements to stand up for science. While the science rally held at the same time with the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual conference in Boston, the science march will be held in DC and in cities around the world on Earth Day, April 22, 2017.

Bernard Fendler, founder of a community science group "Newton Stands for Science", helped by his daughter, collect supports at the science rally. The local science group from Newton, MA. wants to ensure that their community is well informed by communicating how science works, holding town forums with scientists, and going to science-related events. "We want them to understand what their politicians are really saying, based on science," said Fendler. (Photo by Valdya Baraputri/Boston University)
Stan Lawrence from at the science rally. His organization often goes to rallies to voice their concerns, mainly say no to wall, no to mass deportations, no to Muslim registry, and no fascist USA. "The yes is "yes to people", but it's too broad," said Lawrence. (Photo by Valdya Baraputri/Boston University)
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Valdya Baraputri

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