a graphic designer assembles images, typography, or motion graphics to create a design
graphic designers present sketches or layouts. sometimes using computer software to achieve this. they also meet with clients and businesses to have an idea of the task. they may create graphs and charts from data for use in publication. Then they consult with clients, and when the final product is about to be made they assure the printers.
a bachelors degree in fine arts or graphic design is normally required for a graphic design position. However they must keep up with new and updated computer graphics and design software.
the art institute of houston is a place where graphic designing training is possible. also Devry university in Georgia is also a place to study this. as well as many more locations and colleges across the united states.
related occupations under the desktop publishing category, are Freelance visual designer, UX DESIGNER, copy editor, and proposal specialist.
the yearly income of a graphic designer is about $43,929


Created with images by Pexels - "apple devices artificial flowers business" • FirmBee - "office freelancer computer" • Unsplash - "typewriter retro vintage" • Karen Roe - "Blickling Hall (NT) 10-04-2010" • kevin dooley - "Biz school" • wilhei - "font lead set book printing" • marceloquinan - "Typography" • TavoA Photo - "Boat Type 5"

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