There's Music, There's Songs...It's Glee! Sophia Robertson

All Of The Characters

The most important part of any show is of course the characters. They make up the whole show with all their dialogue and actions. In the show, there are two main characters that really make the show pop. Those characters are Rachel and Finn. They are in pretty much every scene and they are the lead vocalists(a singer) in the glee club. But, there are more characters than just Finn also Rachel . Some of the other singers in the music room are,Mercedes,Kurt,Blaine,Tina,Matt,Mike,Sam,Brittany,Santana,Artie,Noah and quinn. There are also teachers like Mr.Schue,and Ms.Pillsbury.And there are the new characters. There is Molly,Jake,Ryder,Unique,and Kitty. That's why the characters are really important to the show or else the story would be boring

The one in the middle is Sue and she does not like the glee club and does not like how they sing all the time so they like to annoy her.

The Places They Go

There, would, not be much excitement if all they are doing is sitting in a blank room singing. That is why they go to many different places.First,let's go to the places they rehearse.( to practice for something) Of course, there is the auditorium where they practice their dancing and singing for the competitions. Also, there is the music room where they do all of their assignments and just normally sing some of their favorite songs. Last, there is the principal's office where coach Sue and Mr.Schue complain about everything because Coach Sue is a drama queen. That are most of the places that the glee club goes.

These people are The main characters.

Good Or Bad Characters

Of course, in all shows, there is all of the good characters, But, there are also the bad characters. I am here to tell you who those people are. Well of course there is the good characters like Rachel,Finn,Tina,Kurt,Mr.Schue,Ryder,Molly and many more. But, there are also the bad characters like Coach Sue,Santana,Quinn,Noah, Brittany and kitty. Those bad characters are always trying to shut the Glee Club down. Sue tries to sabotage there setlists(a list of songs for any competition or any other reason) for Nationals(it is the 3rd biggest competition for glee) or any other competition(a competition is a contest) . Those are some of the antagonists and protagonists.

What The Show Is Really About

Many people might think that the show is just about singing and dancing from what i've told you so far. Well, there is more than that, it's about people caring about other people and being loyal. Also, in the show it shows good sportsmanship when they lose a competition don't get all mad about it and congratulate the winner. Also, there is always love and support threw all their problems. And they love to sing in a Choir . A choir i(s a group of people coming together to make harmony.) An example is chorus. But they also have they also have their funny moments. Like,when Rachel is being a drama queen and storms out of the room. Or, when Finn gets mad he kicks over the chair next to him. There is lots of funny moments and diva moments but there is always love.

These are all of the charactors


. Rachel and Finn get married

.Quinn and Noah have a baby

.Rachel is adopted

.Blaine almost loses one of his eyes

This is a picture gallary of some of the characters.

These are some of the characters .

Most of the solos or duets are preformed by Rachel and Finn so there is always one or two microphones on the compitition

They love to sing dance. Below there will be a clip of them dancing and singing.

In this there is Santana, Rachel and Kurt.

I hope you like my presentation on my favorite show glee. Thank you for reading BYE.



Created with images by karlnorling - "Glee - Wait what?" • Peabody Awards - "Glee" • Peabody Awards - "Glee" • Peabody Awards - "Glee" • televisione - "Recensione Glee 6x08 - A Wedding" • cbb4104 - "Rachel on Glee"

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