
不知感恩的混蛋!:凱爾·巴斯對中共喉舌開罵 【中英對照翻譯】

來源:ZeroHedge,February 9, 2020

作者:Tyler Durden

新聞翻譯:海闊天空; PR: Grace


'Ungrateful Bastard': Kyle Bass Unloads On CCP Mouthpiece In Coronavirus Twitter Feud


As evidence mounts that China's response to the coronavirus has been as much (if not more) about controlling the narrative than containing the outbreak, hedge fund manager Kyle Bass put CCP mouthpiece Hu Xijin in his place after the Global Times EIC criticized US humanitarian relief as "belated," and suggested that US offers of help are more talk than action.

越來越多的證據表明,中國對冠狀病毒的反應與其說是控制疫情,不如說是控制報道。環球時報批評美國的人道主義救援來得太晚,並暗示美國提供的幫助是空談而不是行動。對衝基金經理凱爾·巴斯(Kyle Bass)將中共喉舌胡錫進拎出來示眾。

"You ungrateful bastard," Bass replied in a now-deleted tweet, adding "We should take our supplies and go back home. Let the Chinese virus rampage through the ranks of the GT and the rest of the communist party."


Hu then tried to make Bass apologize for 'bringing shame' to the investment community, and said he should apologize to Chinese citizens - including Dr. Li Wenliang, the whistleblower who tried to raise the alarm about the new coronavirus in December, caught the virus, and died last week after many believe he was either tortured, denied care, or worse.

胡然後試圖讓巴斯道歉,認為他給投資界帶來恥辱,並說他應該向中國人道歉——包括李文亮博士。李文亮博士是一名吹哨者, 12月份時盡力想引起大眾對新冠狀病毒的警覺,但染上了病毒,上周去世了。去世後許多人認為他要麼被折磨,沒有得到應有的救治,或者更糟。


.@Jkylebass As an investor with 129K twitter followers, you uttered such a malicious curse. You bring shame to investors community and social media users. CPC members are ordinary citizens, fathers, husbands, wives, daughters… Dr. Li Wenliang is one of them. You should apologize.

— Hu Xijin 胡锡进 (@HuXijin_GT) February 9, 2020

胡錫進對巴斯說,作為一名擁有129K 推特粉絲的投資者,你說出了如此惡毒的詛咒。你給投資者、社區和社交媒體用戶帶來了恥辱。黨員是普通公民,父親、丈夫、妻子、女兒……李文亮博士就是其中之一。你應該道歉。

——胡錫進(@HuXijin_GT) 2月9日,2020年

Bass had none of that - responding "I will not. You arrested, censured, and ‘punished’ (only God knows what you did to him and the other 7 doctors) the heroes of Wuhan. You are a disgrace to humanity," adding that the Global Times should do a special on organ harvesting - linking to activist website China Tribunal.


I don’t think he have balls to apologize.


Is there a proper name for a self-righteous shill of a murderous communist party? Great English by the way!


The founder and CIO of Dallas-based Hayman Capital Management explained to Bloomberg that he deleted his tweet because he "felt that it was too harsh for the rank and file" of the Global Times, but that he will "never apologize to a self-righteous, attempted manipulator of public opinion," referring to Hu.

總部位於達拉斯的海曼資本管理公司(Hayman Capital Management)的創始人兼首席信息官向彭博社解釋說,他刪除了自己的推文,因為他「覺得對《環球時報》的詛咒和說法太苛刻了,但他絕不會向自以為是、操縱輿論的人道歉」,他指胡錫進。

In recent weeks, Bass has been more critical than usual of the CCP - openly posing the question of why we should Trust China when they've proven themselves to be liars.


Kyle Bass:四年前,習總書記和奧巴馬總統在白宮玫瑰園會面,就南海諸島不軍事化問題撒了個大謊。現在有反艦導彈、地對空導彈、戰鬥機、轟炸機,以及中國所有的……。

Kyle Bass:難道我們現在應該相信,處於當前危機中心的武漢四級病毒學實驗室只是一個民用實驗室,其使命是為了人類的福祉調查世界上最危險的疾病?這是對任何受過教育的人的侮辱。

Meanwhile, China's consul general in Kolkata lost his cool after someone questioned the CCP's response to the virus.



