Good Life: Nature Activity at FLMNH Leong Yin Tanya Chiu

Nature on Display

Butterfly Rainforest

Throughout all the exhibitions, I enjoy the “Butterfly Rainforest” the most because it is a living exhibition that features hundreds of free flying butterflies. Besides, it is a beautiful place with all its tropical trees, colorful flowers, waterfalls, and a walking path. I feel like I walked into a wonderland where I have never been to a similar one and hard to find one in the outside world.

By seeing and being so close to all those free flying butterflies, I have learnt something that I cannot learn on the textbook. The teachers always told us how butterflies and moths go through a complete metamorphosis, from egg, larva, pupa, and adult. However, it is always easier for us to learn by actually seeing it in person. There is a rearing lab in the indoor butterfly exhibits give us a closer look at the life cycle of butterfly. And that lab amazed me because I have never seen a living pupa before even though they are a bit nasty.

Wall of Wings

There is another part of this exhibition that appeals to me which is the Wall of Wings. The wall showcases thousands of butterflies and moths specimens and photographs. The most interesting part of that is the specimens are arranged in different regions around the world such as Asia, Africa, American Tropics etc. I would say that wall is really stunning and has conveyed the beauty and importance of biodiversity.

Nature and Ethics

As Leopold recommends us to be part of the “biotic community” rather than as “conquers of the land”, I am able to “love, respect, and admire” the land through “Mangrove Boardwalk”. In that exhibit, I learn a lot of things that I did not know before such as mangrove and seagrass. I did not know what they are for and how their existence would affect other species until now.

Mangrove Boardwalk

This exhibit carries out the problem that human activities are threatening many valuable coastal resources, which they are home to many animals. It is true that humankind is rapidly depleting the earth’s resources without considering the value of the planet’s ecosystems. I believe the exhibits can somehow allow people to think how their activities would affect the nature and help them to plan on making a difference to create a better world. Upon leaving this exhibit, I have a greater desire to protect the environment surround us in order to avoid the loss of biodiversity.

Nature and the Human Spirit

This museum has a lot of fun and interesting exhibits that attract us to step out of our ordinary lives. The day when I visited this museum, there were a lot of families with kids and elderlies. I was surprised by the large amount of visitors but museum is definitely one of the best places for family to spend their day.

Underwater Walk-Through

There is one exhibit that I find quite interesting which is the “Underwater Walk-Through”. When I walk through a 12-times life-size underwater scene, I feel like I am a small fish that actually live in that place. By enlarging the small organisms, I get to see clearly and know the mystery of the natural world. This exhibit put visitors in a place of third party and allow us to observe and understand the underwater world. This is a world that exists on the same earth besides human world. There are millions things in this world that we do not know or we will never have a chance to see in person. Therefore, museum is certainly a good channel to connect us with the nature and let us appreciate the majesty of the Universe.

Created By
Tanya Chiu

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