Victorian Era Politics BY CHRISTOPHER MACK

During the victorian era,the british had tremendous power,through politics we can find out how they grew to such power.Queen Victoria ruled during a time when the British monarch held little real political power.Nevertheless,she used her title and personality to influence public affairs as she saw fit.
During the Victorian era,all the laws in England were passed by the parliament.The parliament had the sole authority to discuss laws,create laws and also alter existing laws.The current issues affecting the society,and economy were discussed with the king.Then the voting rights were exercised by the members of the parliament.
Race is a fundamental part of politics.Although,in the victorian era that wasn't the case.Black people have been in Britain since roman times and there has been a continuous presence of them ever since.By the end of the 18th century the black population was well established and breaking away from slavery.Around the nineteenth,black people started to integrate into poor white neighborhoods and started to share the same political beliefs as the desperate poor white population at that time.
Created By
Christopher Mack

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