16 Sentence Story Grace behnKe

Everyday my schedule stays the same I wake up, drive to work in my Yellow Cadillac, and go home.

Everyday for almost four years it has been the same until one day ago: first, I woke up one morning, and ate breakfast; second, I got into my car, but it wasn't starting so I decided to walk; third, I took a shortcut through an abandoned alley, and heard this piercing scream.

I ran to it, and it was this small, poor child that needed help because the items she owned were getting stolen.

Well, after I saw her I wanted to give her a better life.

We ran out of the alley, traveled to the nearest store.

As we were walking in she saw all these new clothes, she started jumping with joy.

The girl, after looking at almost the whole store, finally picked a few outfits.

Emma, did u find all your clothes? She said yes.

The six outfits, from JC Penny's, were expensive.

She asked me, “ it’s okay if you're not comfortable buying all these outfits for me.”

I told her that I felt the need to help her, and I'm willing to buy her anything for a better life.

I, who grow up just like this girl, ended up having a better life, and I canceled all of my checks to give her one.

It was until, February 17, 2017, that I got her a home to live in.

She lives in Dayton, Tennessee, and I was halfway to tell her why I helped her.

I was afraid to tell her the truth so I just wrote a small note starting with, dear Emma, I am sorry to say that I am your mother and I gave you up.

After, everything was a mess.


Created with images by allenran 917 - "_DSC9931.jpg" • cisc1970 - "Yellow Caddy" • realworkhard - "skyline water horizon" • m01229 - "JC Penny" • TBIT - "dollar bank note money" • STVIOD - "cambridge building structure" • cm195902 - "Falls" • FirmBee - "office notes notepad" • Hans - "puzzle unfinished mess"

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