Breaking news: The life of Daydrian Jaecksch Family health 4th period

Birthday: March 29th, 2017

Age: 15

Born in Portland Oregon

Sibling of 1 sister and 4 brothers


Found her love for volleyball in 6th grade. Unfortunately had a bad knee Ingush and she hasn't played since but plans on a full recovery to play for her high school team her junior year.

Loves the feelings of spiking the ball over he net

Enjoys getting close to the team

And learn from each others mistakes

Finds a way if expressing herself through spoken word poetry.

Has only been wetting for a year but has many opportunities to read in front of her church family

Graduates in 2019

Plans on going to a university for 4 years to get a degree in psychology or social working.

Loves working with children and has many experiences from babysitting in the summer and watching her siblings.

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