Spark Story: The Divine: A Play for Sarah Bernhardt By: KENNETH MAGEE

Spatial Experience:

  • Initial Feelings: Bored, yet intrigued by the room.
  • Seat Location: Middle, close enough to be fully engaged
  • Began to feel tired as lights dimmed
  • Size: Small feeling made it more personal
  • Good Life and setting: Certain places make me happy: Ex: Not there

Social Experience

Friends: Attended with friend also taking Good Life, saw many people I knew there

Preparation: Ate dinner then met up with friend beforehand to find the theatre

Attending with Friends: Made the experience bearable as I had someone to talk to about the play

Role in Good Life: Shared experiences allow for happiness and good events to be fully expressed

Cultural and Intellectual Experience:

Setting: Canada, Industrial age

Central Issue: Greed and Exploitation

Subject Matter: Knew about topics discussed in Good Life relating to body and other issues

Performance: Largely did not affect my views on the topics addressed

No relevance to my personal life

Emotional Experience:

Play addresses issues often unspoken of in society

Shows true issues that actually happen in the world regardless of how horrible or good they actually are

Felt forced and boring throughout the play

Did not keep me emotionally involved

Works Cited:

Created By
Blake Magee

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