Dawson Thornton

My real name is George Thornton but I go by my middle name, Dawson. I grew up in Columbia, South Carolina and am an only child. I have a dog whose name is Dixie.

That picture above isn't actually my dog, but that is basically what she looks like. I have been traveling a lot. The summer of my sophomore year in high school I went on a class trip to Europe. We were gone for around a month and visited Germany, France, and Spain. I have also been to Jamaica, but that was when I was really young and I don't really remember it that well.

I played three sports in high school, football basketball, and ran track. We won the state championship twice in basketball while I played.

At Clemson, my major is currently Biology, but I am looking to change it to sports communication some time soon.


Created with images by PublicDomainPictures - "beagle puppy beagle hound" • Stain_Marylight - "tower building plaza" • Moyan_Brenn - "Paris" • rick ligthelm - "Madrid, Spain"

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