Self-Designed Exhibit 2 Sleep

The Plan

I plan on tracking my sleep and how getting the recommended eight hours improves my daily function. I will track when I go to sleep on two normal days, then for the two other I will get eight hours of sleep in the dark with no tv or phone thirty minutes before bed.

The Data


I have never truly valued sleep. I always considered myself to be one of those people who could run on little sleep. This is just not true, not for anyone. Sleep is SO important and there is so much research to back this up. So I decided to do a little "experiment" of my own. On Sunday night I went to sleep around 2 in the morning waking up at 7:30 Monday morning. Like usual I laid in bed till the last minute, got up and got dressed in a rush. I struggled through my first class getting a coffee immediatly after. I was tired and ready for a nap by 4, so I got another coffee. That night I did not go to sleep till around 1:30 because I was up late doing homework. I woke up at 7 on Tuesday morning for a total 6 hours of sleep, which I usually consider good. Tuesday night was the first night I turned off my phone and TV so I would be electronic free for thirty minutes before falling asleep. I found it easier to fall asleep. I got up at 7:30 Wednesday morning, for a total of 8 hours of sleep. Although I did get coffee after my first class, I noticed I was still going strong studying around 5 that afternoon. This usually never happens. That night I again slept in complete darkness, with no electronics 30 minutes before bed. Thursday morning I woke up after a nice 8 hours of sleep at 6:30. I woke up got dressed quickly then headed to the library to study for my test later that morning. I ended up getting a 100 on my test and I think getting enough sleept definatly had something to do with it. After tracking my sleep and getting to see how much better I felt on the days when I did get 8 hours was incredable. I can now truly see for myself how important sleep is. Although I know as a college student getting 8 hours of sleep every night just is not going to happen, I should try and make it a priority. Sleep is so valuable and without it no one can function properly without it.


Created with images by Squirrel Girl cbk - "Doodle Sheets 2014 H"

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