ACTIVATE YOUR VISION™ BOARD KIT Achieving goals and manifesting your dreams.

I’m sure by now you’ve seen the show Queen BOSS on BET and Centric on Saturday Jan. 14th, 2017 or read the January 2015 edition of Essence Magazine or you was able to watch the fun feature on the NBC Today’s Show with Tamron Hall and Dr. OZ. It’s been a whirlwind adventure. This vision board process is real if you put the work in.

In celebration of visions, goals, and success, we invite you to join us in taking the vision off the board and into your life.

The Activate Your Vision™ Board Kit…Where Visions and Dreams are Cultivated, Discovery and Action Thrives, and Creativity Celebrated!

Imagine being able to capture clarity, set life altering goals, and release those dreams into the wild world of reality…

A goal without a plan is just a wish.

Grab your family or a group of your friends, and step into your purpose through the power of vision. With this kit you will know how the power of creative visualization can set your goals on fire. Together we’ll celebrate the endless possibilities available to you.

The Activate Your Vision™ kit covers 5 core areas:

1. Faith 2. Family 3. Finances 4. Fitness 5. Friends

more than just a vision board kit.
The Kit

The Activate Your Vision™ Board Kit, a goal-setting tool that will help you explore the brilliant vision you have for your life, whether you are 5 or 75 years old this tool will support you in uncovering your hidden dreams and desires.

This kit will guide you in flawlessly selecting meaningful goals, effortlessly creating strategic plans to accomplish your goals, courageously completing your goals – staying laser focused on your big dreams & running in red-hot pursuit to achieve them.

You will receive goal-setting materials to support you in accomplishing your daily, weekly, monthly, and annual goals which fit into your ultimate vision.

With the Activate Your Vision™ Board Kit you will receive a comprehensive and customized life-planning tool that will show you how to take your vision off the board and bring it to life.

This kit offers you an inspired, refreshingly practical process to consistently tap into your creativity, essence, and spirituality.

everything you need.

The kits include the following:

The Activate Your Vision™ Board Kit is a boxed kit containing supplies and information to create and maintain a vision board. This is a powerful tool kit that anyone can use to shape an ideal future through the power of intention and visualization. This toolkit will explain and walk you through exactly how to create a vision board, set and accomplish goals. This is a great personal gift for yourself and the ones you love.

Contents of the Kit
  • Instructional sheet (how to create a Vision Board)
  • Mini goal worksheet
  • Activate Your Vision worksheets (3)
  • Activate Your Vision Board (guidebook)
  • scissors
  • Vision Board pen
  • glue
  • markers
  • Activate journal
  • Gratitude jar
  • Vision Board folder for magazine, inspirational words and art clippings
  • positive word stickers
  • affirmation cards
  • paper clips
  • tape
  • scrapbook paper
  • small poster board

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