Chloe A All about me

All about me, i love taylor swift i went to her concet for my 9th birthday it was amazing and lots of fun but really it was a cold night.i also love kittens and cats i think they are really cute and they are so soft but i also love dogs because they are so much fun to play with.i love spending time with my family because they are one of the resons i am alive right know.i have 1 sister 1 mum ans 1 dad. i love going to my nanas and my granmas for sleepovers and i love having fun with my friends .i really like going to the beach with my cousins.

I also like have fish and chips at the beach,wavy beaches are my favirate and playing with the lego at home, I love to make houses and my favirate set is the star wars plane that shoots water lego.

Right know my sisster is really into pokemon go she is all over it. Enyway I love going to school so that when I am older I can be smart and teach other people when in need to learn quickly. When I am older I would like to be a vet / animal doctor. I like going on my ipad and watching youtube / diy like pencils excetra. I also like whatching the ingaham family they really inpire me and light my day up I also like playing games on my ipad.

i also like playing with my friends like lily ursula hope jazz and more, but their is some people that i dont know i it wouls be good if i could get to know them better like lucia and gigi +lilysophia but i think that we are friends but we still dont know each other that well still but someday hopfully we will be great friends
my favirate subject at school is reading i loooove it so much i read every night in bed and when i am in schoool timeline i have my book so i fill that in. Reading is something tht is good for your eyes and i just looove it.Reading is good for me to conect to my life


Created with images by Jan-Mallander - "kittens cat cat puppy" • Dvincleo - "Taylor Swift" • greger.ravik - "Lego friends" • geralt - "leave board hand" • AlexVan - "hands friendship hold" • 947051 - "dog dogue de bordeaux mastiff"

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