Esmeralda Mendoza Human Resources & Safety Consulting

Safety programs are at the core of any organizations safety culture. A poorly designed program often results in an organization that experiences increase workers compensation injuries, high turnover, and production losses. Additional to the impact on your production there are the regulatory guidelines that must be met, and failure to do so results in violations and citations.

With an ever growing compliance responsibility organizations need a partner that focuses on helping you bring your daily operation to regulatory standards.

Over the past 12 years I have developed progress-driven approach to my client focused work in human resource. With extensive experience in environmental health and safety compliance, and mitigation. Proven strengths in needs assessment, and operational organization. I partner with your organization to achieve the following:

  • Reporting and Record keeping Technology Development
  • Safety Auditing
  • Written Program Development
  • Assistance with Injury Management Program
  • On sight inspections

Esmeralda Mendoza 805-878-1888


First I would like to understand what is the result you would like to obtain. We schedule a phone call to assess you needs and establish the a time frame for your project.

During this phone call I will gain a general understanding of your current safety plan and practices. Next we will schedule a onsite visit.

Onsite visit

It is best that you do not announce the visit and allow us to neutrally observe your operation in order to make the best recommendation. During the visit we will review your written program and identify regulatory requirements to be included in your plan.

After the visit

We will present written recommendations and suggested implantation methods. The implementation process generaly require additional onsite visits that will allow your staff to fully understand the recommendations.

Our goal is to make the consulting process a collaborative effort with your organization. Seamlessly implementing changes for the overall wellbeing of your business.


Esmeralda Mendoza


Created By
Esmeralda Mendoza


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