Singapore By emily anstice

Singapore is the second smallest country in Asia, and lies just above the equator. It is hot all year round, and very humid, with the average temperatures only ranging from 24-31 degrees Celsius. Singapore started off as part of Malaysia, but in 1965, Mr Lee Kuan Yew (Prime Minister) signed the declaration of Independence, making the new country of Singapore. Many did not see the use of Singapore as a country, the total land space being only 719.1km2 and at the time known as a mere fishing village. But Lee Kuan Yew had a vision, and within the 50 years he was prime minister, he made a third world country, a first. Lee Kuan Yew died on the 23rd of March 2015, just before the 50 years of independence celebration on August 9th.

Mr Lee Kuan Yew
Some of the incredible architecture in Singapore
Singapore in 1965

Singapore is now a must see travel destination and trading post, and is home to people from all over the world. Though it has little land for agriculture and housing, Lee Kuan Yew has developed ways around these problems, sourcing almost all of its food and lifestyle products from other countries, building high rise and HDB blocks to accoimodate affordable apartment living, made sure there are parks and many trees to improve air quality and even sourced 1/4 of the countries water from Malaysia.

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