African Heart Network Heart2Heart

MARCH 2017

Dear African Heart Network (AHN) members and friends, we are delighted to share a first-of-its kind, interactive update from the AHN, called Heart2Heart . Our March Update provides snippets of news and activities from the AHN and its members. Our aim is to provide an update that is simple, easy to digest and quick to read. We would love to hear your feedback regarding this new format and please share the news and activities of your organistion with us for inclusion in our next update.

Nigerian Heart Foundation launches NEW website

Heart and Stroke Foundation South Africa raises funds during the month of love...

Heart and Stroke Foundation South Africa partnered with local pharmaceutical company, Pharma Dynamics to raise funds with an innovative 'Hug Your Heart' campaign for Valentines Day. Making use of social media platforms, for every share of the 'Hug your Heart' memes and #HugYourHeart, Pharma Dynamics donated R5 to the Foundation.


Created with images by melenama - "Africa - Gambia" • Pexels - "agriculture apples food"

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