5. Post-Test Analysis with Office Hours Visit Learning Outcome 4

1. Most Difficult Class This Semester: Introduction to International Relations (POSC 1020)

I wasn't able to do the post test analysis due to TA canceling office hours. I take full blame, since I was assigned this assignment at the beginning of the semester.

2. Take Post-Test Analysis Form: N/A

3. Write up a study and test-taking plan for the next test:

  • My study plan for Introduction to International relations would be to watch all assigned videos, read assigned chapters, take notes on both the videos and chapters, and review over notes from class. I can also use Quizlet to help me memorize and learn the definitions from each chapter. My test taking plan would be to answer all the questions I know first and cross out answer choice I know that are wrong.

4. Reflection: N/A

Picture of Form: N/A

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