My Tour of The Harn By Julia Moreno

Medium of the art

This particular painting, Casita al mar by Emilio Sanchez is a colorful piece that highlights the architecture of Mexican and South American cultures. The colors of this painting cannot be expressed with a photograph, they're vibrant and playful in person giving the viewer a sense of happiness and joy associated with the vibrancy. In my opinion, the door-less and small casita represents that possessions aren't the main purpose of life. Instead, living a colorful life, in touch with what is beyond the home or where you're comfortable.

Art & Core values

These x-rays were actually shot locally at the Shands Hospital in Gainesville, Florida. To me these photographs or scans represent looking within, much like an x-ray would. In a more artistic sense, these pictures look beyond face value, a trait I try to portray in my daily life. The old cliche of "not reading a book by it's cover" but truly looking deeper to what is inside. I think these pieces could be a great artistic reminder to continue this line of thinking in an every day life.

Design of the museum

The wing that drew me in at the Harn Museum is what I like to call the hall of equality. I do not recall if this exhibit had an actual name but it featured a collection that pointed out the inequalities between minorities and the majority, as well as, men versus female. For example, picture is an artistic statistic showing that few female artists are featured in museums, yet the majority of nudes recognized are of females. This exhibit was wide and spacious, the pieces were separated equi-distantly and each gave the viewer a greater understanding of a social issue. Being in this exhibit made me feel like I was growing and empowered towards change.

Art & The Good Life

This photograph, Mama Baby, Tidal Pools, Trinidad, California shot by Justine Kurland shows many values of the "good life." The first being community of family, the importance of the relationship between mother and child. This importance demonstrated by legacy and emotion in Henrietta Lacks story, where her children live happier knowing their mother lives on in her cells. As well as, the grief experienced by Eliza in Hamilton, where she mourns the loss of Philip, changing the entire mood of the play. The second value it represents is the importance of a harmony with nature and how the outdoors represent more to us. These people are happy despite being nude and vulnerable, they are one with nature, much like Siddhartha learns to be in meditation.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time at the Harn Museum!

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